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Who We Are

Experienced Professionals with a smile

Our team is here to provide guidance and leadership, and help create an environment of acceptance, gratitude and positivity through our treatments and our retreats. Learn more about our talented and inspirational team below.


Javier Arevalo Shahuano


Javier Arevalo Shahuano comes from a long lineage of Shamans, and was taught the ancestral rites by his grandfather and his father, spending time in isolation in the jungle and studying the plants and their healing properties. In his almost 30 years practice he has worked with many shamanic techniques, from ‘oracionismo’ (energy healing through prayers and Icaros, or healing songs), to ayahuasca healing and Amazonian medicinal plants healing.


Jessica Ramirez Seopa


Jessica Ramirez Seopa is a biologist with a strong interest in the healing properties of plants and in self healing. Having been Javier’s partners of 15 years, she trained extensively with him and has combined her scientific knowledge to the shamanic techniques to give a modern approach to this ancestral healing. Her high pitched Icaros bring an angelic tone to the healings


Alessandra Pusceddu

Founder member

An interpreter and an artist, Alessandra organises the events and translates. Having spent so long with Javier and Jessica and having trained with them helps the transmission of the meaning that is beyond the words in the messages from the Shamans. At the same time, being a westerner gives her the chance to give voice to all the problems related to our culture. She often feels like a bridge, and truly honoured to be so.

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